About Us

The Cortes Community Health Association (CCHA) is a charitable organization that is governed by a Board of volunteer Directors elected by the membership. The CCHA owns and operates the Cortes Health Centre as well as providing a variety of community programs.
The CCHA Board of Directors
Bernice McGowan – President
Sean Lymworth – Vice President
Leah Phillips – Treasurer
Ed Safarik – Secretary
Julia Rendall
Bianca Lee
Katie Barr
Brent Wilken
Become a member
We encourage you to become a new member or
renew your membership in the CCHA, and ask that
you consider a tax-deductible donation. We’re
happy to accept donations for specific projects or
general operations.
Annual Membership is $5.00 for each individual.
Please make cheque payable to: CCHA.
Mail to: CCHA Membership, Box 59, Manson’s Landing, BC. V0P 1K0
Box 59 – Mansons Landing,
BC V0P 1K0